





Dojo Members



Dojo Palmstraat

Palmstraat 34, Amsterdam Center.

The Dojo is 10 min walk from Amsterdam Central Station.

Dojo Lizzy Ansinghstraat

Dojo Sporthal De Pijp

Lizzy Ansinghstraat 88, Amsterdam Zuid

Tom Dijkman has a big commitment to South Africa. This commitment is based on his relationship to Craig Mason-Jones of Cape Town Aikido, who hosts an annual seminar, and on Shona McDonald of the Uhambo Foundation.

Shona is founder of Shonaquip and the Uhambo Foundation in South Africa. Shonaquip develops and delivers wheelchairs for the disabled in poorly accessible areas in the whole of South Africa, amongst others the Townships.

The Uhambo Foundation provides education and develops projects in disadvantaged areas to help integrate disabled children in society.

Tom Dijkman supports the Uhambo Foundation through Aikido Amsterdam with the Two Euro Fifty project. From every member, EU 2,50 is donated to Uhambo monthly.
This year Tom handed over a cheque in the ammount of € 1000,00 to Shona McDonald.

We as Aikido Amsterdam have decided to increase our monthly contribution by an amount of EU 2.50. The proceeds will be fully benefited by the Uhambo Foundation in South Africa.

“I will gladly come and explain to you what the Uhambo Foundation stands for”

Tom Dijkman
Aikido Amsterdam

What is Aikido?

Aikido is a martial art, developed at the beginning of the 20th century by Morihei Ueshiba. Since 1999, his grandson Moriteru Ueshiba is responsible for continuing the lineage of Morihei Ueshiba.

The goal of the Aikido classes is to form a basic structure in a martial setting. Aikido is distinct relative to many other martial arts as there is no competition in Aikido. Aikido focuses solely on self defense.

The practitioner takes the initiative to gain control of the situation. By having and maintaining a correct physical and mental attitude, the training partner is brought out of balance and is disabled with a throw or a lock.






Dojo Members


To begin

Everyone is welcome in the dojo. There are no expectations, other than those that you have yourself. At your own pace, attuned to who you are, you start the research and step by step you learn to apply techniques: fall, roll and protect yourself under increasing pressure.

And then…

The training in the dojos of Aikido Amsterdam is dynamic and physical. The emphasis is on the connection with your partner. Aikido can be practiced by people of all ages. There are clear agreements between partners about the exercise we are doing and the role of each partners. This structure makes the dojo a stimulating and safe place to practice.

The lessons are always mixed men and women. The only thing we ask is a willingness to grow physically and mentally. In this way you achieve the optimal balance within your personal physical and mental boundaries. Your own development is the central theme.


Class times

The lessons are given by Tom Dijkman and Andra Perrin.

Tom has been practicing Aikido for more than 25 years. In 2019, he received his 6th Dan (6th degree black belt) in Aikikai Aikido. He regularly travels the world to learn more and to deepen his understanding of Aikido which he enthusiastically brings back to his students. Tom is a member of the technical board of the Dutch Aikikai Foundation and in this role he teaches the preparation classes for the 3th Dan grade once a month. Tom also teaches seminars in the Netherlands and abroad.

Andra has been practicing Aikido since 2005. Together with Tom, she teaches the children’s classes and the parent / child joint class. Andra also teaches the beginner’s class on Thursday and replaces Tom when he is abroad.
Since 2018, Andra started the Budokids classes for children from 3 years on. Her wish is to provide the youngest children with a broad movement base.

Dojo Members


Monday Palmstraat

17:30 -18:30 young adults
19:00 -20:30 adult all

Young adults can also take adult classes in consultation with Tom

Wednesday Palmstraat

19:00 -20:30 adult all






Dojo Members

Adults € 47,50 monthly
Teenagers € 35,- monthly
Dutch Aikikai Foundation € 40,- yearly adults, € 20,- yearly kids
Gebouw De Palm maintenance € 20,- yearly

Affiliated with Jeugdfonds Sport Amsterdam: The Jeugdfonds Sport Amsterdam pays the contribution for children and young people from families where there is not enough money to play sports. The dojo can provide more information and check the website

Do you have a Stadspas, or would you like to play sports, but do not have the financial means? Then contact the dojo and together we will make a plan to include you in our dojo.

Payments for adults and teens on accountnumber NL32INGB0751857599 to the name of T.G.B. Dijkman.

Payments for toddlers and kids on accountnumber NL51INGB0004117043 to the name of A.L. Perrin

Payments DAF at Account NL90INGB0009475591 Stichting Aikikai Holland
Postbus 128, 1000AC Amsterdam






Dojo Members

Youngsters from 4 - 6 years

The children learn the basic principles of Aikido such as: balanced standing, falling, rolling and Japanese counting.

Small groups, individual attention and of course great fun.

Children 6 - 12 years

The attention within the lessons and the exams are based on 3 things; falling and rolling from various positions. The etiquette of Aikido and Aikido techniques.

Parent/kids classes from 6 years and up

Aikido where parents can participate with their children.
From 6 to 14 years

Super fun and quality time with your child!

Young adults 13 - 17 years

To interact with each other in a physical way. Being treated as an adult and how to be more resilient both mentally and physically


Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday we do a joint Zazen session online at 7:00 am.

You can meditate at home still together with a group of people

Online Zazen

Log in: en doe mee

During the meditation all kinds of thoughts come up. The intention is to let these thoughts come and go, without attaching too much importance to or judging them. By slowly returning to the object of the meditation (breathing, counting or koan), thoughts slowly get less grip.

Tom Dijkman (51)

Tom is the founder and head teacher of Aikido Amsterdam. He has been practicing Aikido for over 25 years. In 2019, he received his 6th Dan (6th degree black belt) in Aikikai Aikido. He regularly travels the world to learn more and to deepen his understanding of Aikido which he enthusiastically brings back to his students. Tom is a member of the technical board of the Dutch Aikikai Foundation and in this role he teaches the preparation classes for the 3th Dan grade once a month. Tom also teaches seminars in the Netherlands and abroad. He has a long term relationship with Aikido in CapeTown, South Africa and has also taught classes in Germany, Sweden, Norway and Italy. In the Aikido Amsterdam dojo, Tom teaches most classes, and the other instructor’s play a supporting role and replace him when he is away.

Andra Perrin (48)

Andra has been practicing Aikido since 2005. Together with Tom, she teaches the children’s classes and the parent / child joint class. Andra also teaches the beginner’s class on Thursday and replaces Tom when he is abroad.
Originally from France, Andra studied at the Theaterschool and graduated as a dancer with a masters in choreography and new media.
Since 2018, Andra started the Budokids classes for children from 3 years on. Her wish is to provide the youngest children with a broad movement base. For more information, email to
Aside from Aikido, Andra has a practise as a Shiatsu therapist, she graduated from the Zen shiatsu school in 2008. Since 10 years she has practised Chi Kung and teaches regular classes. She also works at Thnk and gives in company training as a presence developer.

Aurel Chaoul Pelleg (53)

Aurel has been practicing Aikido for 32 years and holds the 1st Dan in Aikikai Aikido. He has successfully completed the teacher training program of Aikido Netherlands. Aurel is the permanent assistant for the various children’s classes in the dojo and substitutes for Tom in these classes when he is travelling. Aurel has a gift for working with children and is the confidant of the dojo.

In addition to Aikido, Aurel works as a therapist with personal energy management, and he is intensely involved in permaculture projects in and around Amsterdam, for private and public purposes.

Dennis Ter Haar (43)

Has been practicing Aikido since December 2000 and holds the rank of 2nd Dan in Aikikai Aikido. Dennis has been training with Tom Dijkman for a long time and regularly teaches at Aikido Amsterdam when Tom is travelling. Dennis has the gift to shape his lessons with great attention to detail. A lot of inspiration for his lessons is derived from the clear Aikido style of Christian Tissier, Shihan.

Andrea Raviglione (48)

Andrea has been practicing Aikido for more than 20 years and he holds the rank of 3rd Dan in Aikikai Aikido. He founded his own dojo in Stavanger, Norway, when he lived there. He currently lives and works in the Netherlands and is associated with Aikido Amsterdam. For Andrea, Aikido is his core passion and drive in life, and he travels around the world to see various teachers. Andrea, together with Andra, substitutes for Tom on a very regular basis when Tom is away.

Coen Septer (50)

Has been a member at Aikido Amsterdam since the foundation of the dojo. He is the in-house designer of everything that relates to Aikido Amsterdam.
Besides training Aikido on a weekly basis, he is a passionate birdwatcher, and a great draftsman.




Dojo Members


05 Jan 2025

Dojo Update

The dojo wishes everyone a prosperous 2025!!

The lessons will be given in the new year by Tom on Monday and Andrea on Thursday.

27 years

Born in Germany, raised in Bulgaria. In my daily life I work as a radiodiagnostic laboratory assistant in a hospical. At Aikido Amsterdam I enjoy the personal feedback andthe way in which we are motivated.

12 years

I like it because if someone attacks you, you already have a technique in your head that you can use to defend yourself.

31 years

PhD student who lives and works in Amsterdam. I do research into how I can stimulate good sleeping among children. There is always a good atmosphere in the dojo and there is attention for everyone at every level.

48 years

I started Aikido in 2011. With the help of Tom Dijkman I found a great way to bring myself in balance both physically and mentally. What I really enjoy in this dojo is that almost every class Tom is there to teach or to give advice.

Alexandra & Katja
9 & 11 years

We have been training Aikido for almost 1 year now, I like to train together with my sister. I kepe getting better at rolling and I can also walk in shikko. I also enjoy playing with the others. I find the wheelbarrow excercise difficult, but also exciting.

25 years

Currently working on my Master Entrepreneurship at the VU / UvA. Aikido appeals to me because it is more than just sport, it affects how I live my life. What I especially like about the dojo of Tom Dijkman is the good atmosphere that it exudes.

10 years

Levi likes to “fight” with his brother. You do not really have to fight, you actually defend yourself. And that’s what I like about it.

29 years

I walked into the dojo of Tom 2.5 years ago. A lot of different people train at the dojo, each with his or her own background and age. They all have their own motivation for practicing Aikido. Because of the Aikido training that I have been practicing I now feel mentally stable andit has boosted my confidence.

43 years

I started Aikido when I learned that martial arts were a good technique for grounding.
Aikido maybe made me softer and stronger in the face of danger. The dojo atmosphere is really friendly and beginners can train with advanced students.

53 years

Why Aikido? For me it is a fascinating sport where you do not act originating rom the mind, but practice and develop by trusting in the “other” thing that you learn to cultivate. An added value for my work is that I can reach a common point for solutions faster with others.

49 years

I have been training at Aikido Amsterdam for many years. Tom is a passionate, accessible and very experienced teacher. Thanks to him and thanks to the members, this is an open dojo where everyone is welcome and where they train at every level they want to.

6 years

Mikah likes to roll and also likes sitting in a circle and attacking someone. He has learned that you have to finish your fallbreaking with flat hands, and he has also learned how to roll over your shoulder. He thinks the heavy balls are heavy, but also fun.

39 years

I have always been a harmony seeker! Between me and myself and in my surrounding. I have been practicing Aikido since September 2012. For me, Aikido is on the one hand a challenging physical training where I work on my condition, and on the other hand I experience it as a physical manifestation of the mind where by exercising I continuously work on becoming more and more grounded yet in tune with others.

Lucca, Paja & Dadan
49, 14 & 12 years

Together with my sons Paja and Dadan I have been training in the dojo of Aikido Amsterdam for a year now.

43 years

In February 2006 I came in contact with Aikido. I trained in the Overijssel region until July 2013 and then switched to Aikido Amsterdam. There is a nice atmosphere in the dojo, one that allows you to develop yourself.

20 years

I train Aikido at Tom’s dojo from the age of 11, first at the youth classes and now with the adults. It keeps fascinating me to learn all the techniques. Sometimes it’s easy for me, sometimes difficult. I like to be treated as an adult.

Classes in the dojo

All lessons are in the dojo at Palmstraat 34, the lessons are accessible to everyone, beginners and advanced.

Who we are


Who we are

Who we are

Who we are

Who we are

Who we are

Who we are

Who we are

Who we are

Who we are

Who we are

Who we are

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