Aikido Amsterdam
To begin
Everyone is welcome in the dojos. There are no expectations, other than those that you come with. At your own pace, attuned to who you are, you start the research and learn step by step to apply techniques, fall, roll and protect yourself under increasing pressure.
And then…
The training in the dojos of Aikido Amsterdam is dynamic and physical. The emphasis is on the connection with the partner. Aikido can be practiced at all ages. There are clear agreements about the course of the exercises and the role of the partners. This makes the dojo a stimulating and safe place to train.
The lessons are mixed men and women. The only willingness is to grow physically and take you mentally. In this way you achieve the optimal balance within your personal physical and mental boundaries. Your own development process is central.
Monday Palmstraat
17.30-18.30: Young Adults
19.00-20.30: All Levels
Wednesday Palmstraat
19:00-20:30 Aikido all
Adults € 47,50 Monthly
Teenagers € 35,00 Monthly
Dutch Aikikai Foundation
€ 20,00 Kids Yearly
€ 40,00 Adults Yearly
Maintenance De Palm
€ 20,00 Yearly
Affiliated with Jeugdfonds Sport Amsterdam: The Jeugdfonds Sport Amsterdam pays the contribution for children and young people from families where there is not enough money to play sports. The dojo can provide more information and check the website
Do you have a Stadspas, or would you like to play sports, but do not have the financial means? Then contact the dojo and together we will make a plan to include you in our dojo.
Payments for adults and teens
on accountnumber NL32INGB0751857599
to the name of T.G.B. Dijkman
Payments for toddlers and kids
on accountnumber NL51INGB0004117043
to the name of A.L. Perrin
Payments DAF at Account
Stichting Aikikai Holland
Postbus 128, 1000AC Amsterdam
Lizzy Ansinghstraat 88
Dojo Update
The dojo wishes everyone a prosperous 2025!!
The lessons will be given in the new year by Tom on Monday and Andrea on Thursday.

Tom Dijkman
Tom is the founder and head teacher of Aikido Amsterdam. He has been practicing Aikido for over 25 years. In 2019, he received his 6th Dan (6th degree black belt) in Aikikai Aikido. He regularly travels the world to learn more and to deepen his understanding of Aikido which he enthusiastically brings back to his students. Tom is a member of the technical board of the Dutch Aikikai Foundation and in this role he teaches the preparation classes for the 3th Dan grade once a month. Tom also teaches seminars in the Netherlands and abroad. He has a long term relationship with Aikido in CapeTown, South Africa and has also taught classes in Germany, Sweden, Norway and Italy. In the Aikido Amsterdam dojo, Tom teaches most classes, and the other instructor’s play a supporting role and replace him when he is away.
Andra Perrin
44 year has been practicing Aikido since 2005. Together with Tom, she teaches the children's classes and the parent / child joint class. Andra also teaches the beginner's class on Thursday and replaces Tom when he is abroad. Since 2018, Andra started the Budokids classes for children from 3 years on. Her wish is to provide the youngest children with a broad movement base. Aside from Aikido, Andra has a practise as a Shiatsu therapist, she graduated from the Zen shiatsu school in 2008. Since 10 years she has practised Chi Kung and teaches regular classes. She also works at Thnk and gives in company training as a presence developer.
Andrea Raviglione
45 year, has been practicing Aikido for more than 20 years, he holds the 3rd Dan in Aikikai Aikido and previously founded his own dojo in Stavanger, Norway. He currently lives and works in the Netherlands and is associated with Aikido Amsterdam. For Andrea Aikido is his only passion and drive in life and he travels around the world to see various teachers. Andrea is together with Andra the permanent replacement for Tom if he is not present.
Aurel Chaoul Pelleg
Aurel has been practicing Aikido for 32 years and holds the 1st Dan in Aikikai Aikido. He has successfully completed the teacher training program of Aikido Netherlands. Aurel is the permanent assistant for the various children's classes in the dojo and replaces Tom for these classes when he is travelling. Aurel has a gift to deal with children and is the confidant of the dojo. Besides Aikido Aurel works as a therapist with personal energy management, and he is intensely involved in permaculture projects in and around Amsterdam, for private and public purposes.
Dennis ter Haar
41 years, Has been practicing Aikido since December 2000 and holds the 2nd Dan in Aikikai Aikido. Dennis has been training with Tom Dijkman for a long time and regularly teaches at the dojo of Aikido Amsterdam when Tom is travelling. Dennis has the gift to shape his lessons with great attention to detail. A lot of inspiration for his lessons is derived from the clear Aikido style of Christian Tissier Shihan.